Be sure to view the terms of service below.
Book Covers
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Custom Logo
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Chapter Icon
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![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif)
Book Trailer
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![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif)
Social Media Banner
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![PayPal Button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif)
Graphic Teaser
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Animated Video Ad
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To ensure all parties are at an understanding, the following terms are required upon work being conducted with THE MAGIC QUILL GRAPHICS.
Amendment policy:
Please note that once a project is completed, after 72 hours we will no longer be able to make changes to projects that have been approved unless the client pays for said changes. (Payment is only required after 3 days after approval.) Changes at this point will cost $5 each amendment.
This process ensures that the client/designer pays close attention to the process and cuts down on mistakes.
Book Covers:
If you purchase a book cover, all formatting for said client's manuscript must be completed before we begin work. This will cut out having to reformat the image later. Unless agreed upon by the designer beforehand, this is not negotiable. The in-house designer for The Quill understands some situations can be different and will work this detail out with you if you have any questions. The Magic Quill will also not use images with watermarks or anything of the like if the image has not been purchased by the client. Additionally, either the image has to be under the CREATIVE COMMONS ACT (meaning it can be used without attribution) OR the client is responsible for purchasing an image from either the designers stock photos from Deposit Photo or from a site of the client's choosing. The Quill will provide the author with a PSD FILE (editable file) to allow the client to hold the original file in case there are any changes that need to be made.
Custom Book Trailers:
Because custom book trailers can be hard to pinpoint when there are mistakes, The Quill will allow up to 30 days for changes to be made for free, at which point, any changes made after will cost $5 each change. The client will be responsible for holding on to any images used to ensure that if they do need corrections, the designer is provided with the material needed to amend said changes in the work. The reasoning behind this is due to how our program works. If anything were to disappear on our computer, it would leave that section of the trailer empty, and thus, we would have to replace the image from your saved files on your pc.
Vanessa has completed a video with our company, but has spotted issues months down the road that no one seemed to see before.
Because of the high volume of clients The Magic Quill encounters, we are unable to keep every image used in projects on our computer. There is just too much to keep up with if we were to do so. With that being said, once the video is complete the designer will forward all materials over to the client for safekeeping. The program we use, if any images were to disappear, the video would not be able to be amended unless we had the image to put back in. I realize this can be confusing, so it's easier to ask the client to hold onto the material used to create the video if they are concerned about making changes later. This will be provided at the end of the creation process upon request by the author.
All manuscripts must be fully edited and completed in all regards before handing over to the company to be formatted. This is non-negotiable.